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I was listening to the news this morning and heard that Congress is attempting to pass legislation that would limit the Trumpsters ability to fire Mueller. Personally, I think the Executive branch has been abusing it's power for a very long time and it's time for that power to be curbed! In my opinion, Presidents should not be allowed to take any military action, no matter how insignificant, without the consent of the Senate. That includes sending so-called military advisors to other nations. That's how the whole Vietnamese War got started. First it's "military advisors" and then the next thing you know, it's "boots on the ground." I would be interested to know how other people feel about this topic.

ashley44 7 Apr 26

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The treasonous GROPER seems determined to seize any powers he can, in order to fulfill his dreams of power and glory. That ALONE justifies curbing presidential powers! I also want to end the ''pardon'' option he so eagerly uses. Seriously? Scooter Libby? He doesn't even KNOW the man...admits it. And..he's investigated pardoning himself???


There are conditions when a direct attack is imminent or already underway and THERE IS NO TIME for Congressional action. This kind of thing is subsumed in the President being Commander-in-Chief. However, the US Constitution, Ariticle 1 Sec 8, gives Congress the power to declare war. This latter provision is routinely set aside these days; I agree with you, often with disastrous results!

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