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Why You're Not “Middle Class”

JJ-Baltazar 6 June 25

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It was, ( may not be much longer ) quite different in the UK, because we always had a strong, self identified, working class, with its own working class values, and pride in membership. Which helped to make middle class much less of an all embracing group. And is to a degree, though it is very complicated and does not really work out in practice, the reason why we have three, not two, main political parties, the Conservatives = Republicans, the Liberals = Democrats, and the Labour Party, theoretically representing working class values and democratic socialist principles.

The working class though is probably shrinking, since it is being nibbled away from both sides, with many more people now who are in work, choosing to self identify as middle class, just as they do in the USA .
And following several decades of mainly right wing government, many people dropping out of the class system altogether to join the unemployed underclass, while the traditional class system fades generally.


Am too, nah nah nahnah nah.

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