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When it comes to the existence of god, I believe there is only one question that needs answering: Is there a personal god? As agnostics and atheists, we answer with a resounding "No!" There is no proof whatsoever that a personal god exists. Having said that I know for an absolute fact that non-personal gods exist. For example, there's the entrepreneur god sitting on a stool, in the middle of a Black Hole, selling apples two for a dime - no question about it. There there's the god who thinks he's a cowboy, riding bareback on a comet, waving his hat, and forever yelling "Yippee ki-yey" - no question about it. Then, there's the show-off god who dances on rainbows to Michael Jackson's Thriller - no question about it. Finally, there's the architect-type god who makes intricate sandcastles out of pasteurized star dust - no doubt about. Yet, even though these gods exist, they didn't create us, they don't know us, they don't interact with us, or love us. Since these four non-personal gods exist, but have no affect upon our lives or existence, in any way whatsoever, who gives a rat's ass whether they exist or not?

Tomm 5 Dec 5

Enjoy being online again!

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