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Is it wrong that I once considered moving west and pretending to be a Mormon so I could have a harem….🤠

Aaron70 7 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe it is wrong to waste a lot of time and money, just to discover that you could not attract a harem ?

I was just wondering why you hadn’t popped off yet, and as if on queue, there you are!? 😄
Well all I have to say as for me being an unattractive man is, you sure spend an awful lot of time hovering on my page!? 😎

@Buck But I like unattractive men, they make me feel less ugly.

@Fernapple I’m just gonna quit while I’m behind….🙄

@Buck No greater gift than a sense of fun, women should be beating at your door.

@Fernapple Nuttin but xtians in this god infested shithole country!? 🤠
Thought I might run into a fellow heretic on here that digs me….👀

I get a lot of men checking me out on here though, which counts for something I reckon….🤨
If only I were gay!?!🤷🏻♂️


What stopped you?

I’m way too honest to live a lie…..🤨
In hindsight, it appears I can’t appease one wife, let alone several anyhow!?!🤷🏻♂️

I doubt you have the dedication and energy for that level of crazy anyway.
From Wikipedia -- []

I grew up about 15 miles east of Big Water, UT and Alex Joseph was a unique individual. I met a couple of his wives -- they would buy supplies at my mother's crafts store.

One sold calligraphy to help the family -- her sister had been a professional model in Chicago and they sold everything and came to live with Alex.

One Alex story was the time he stole a helicopter. The FBI went to arrest him but he and his family chased them away (even the grade schoolers carried guns). After he got out of prison for that he suspected a guy I knew of chasing one of his wives while he was away. Alex didn't kill the guy but he did shoot out his truck windshield.

You're right. When you live that life you have to be on edge all the time. You never know when someone might decide to challenge your authority.

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