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Laws of the universe. Let's say, you can't get something for nothing. The idea of getting something for nothing is very very popular among Marxist (progressive, liberal, communist, socialist) ideologies. This is how politicians like Bernie Sanders garner votes. You want free college? Vote for me! Ill give you free stuff. Let me tell you, you won't get something for nothing. Taxes will go up to support government bureaucracy that gives out this free stuff. Even with free college, you still have to make an effort to learn and read the books. After you finish school, and you learned everything you can at a university, that dreaded job is still waiting for you, because you don't get something for nothing. If you want to get in shape, you got to put in the work. The appeal of the law of attraction is that it seems like you don't have to make an effort to achieve your goal. It's not true, but motivation and desire will make it seem like you don't have to put in the work required. You'll never break the law of the universe no matter how hard you try, you have to make an effort. There's no such thing as something for nothing.

Beach_slim 7 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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You lose all credibility when you equate Marxism to progressive liberals like America’s Democratic Party. That’s so laughably wrong. Also Marxism isn’t when you get free stuff and the more free stuff you get the more marxister it is.


So the working class should just subsidize tax evading trillion dollar corporations and the industrial military complex because "FREE COLLEGE IZ BAD SOCIALISMCOMMUNISM ISM ISM ISM BECAUSE FUXSNOOZ SAYS SO". ... Gotcha. eye roll.

"There's no such thing as something for nothing", yeah ok tell that to your overlords, would ya.
FYI Balance and Equity is NOT Communism!
You're able to type your drivel because of "liberals" . Thank a liberal for your freedoms to spew because your slave master is not going to give it to you when he can reap the rewards off your back.


Who are you trying to convince?

skado Level 9 Apr 27, 2018

Let me get this straight. "Taxes will go up to support government bureaucracy that gives out this free stuff." My personal experience is that people with a lot of money are the ones fighting hardest against taxes, claiming they don't get anything for their taxes. Really? They don't walk on sidewalks, or drive on highways, or use the postal service, or depend on the police? I could go on, but I hope my point is made. Having a more educated population helps the entire country, not just the individual, although of course the individual profits. A college graduate makes approximately one MILLION dollars more over their lifetime than a high school graduate. In tough economic times, an individual with a college education is far less likely to become unemployed. An individual with a college education is not narrowly trained in the skills for a specific job so that if their profession becomes obsolete they can use their critical thinking and communications skills to move to a new profession.They do not become chronically unemployed.
The population is advantaged by having a more thoughtful population that can look at the lessons of history or can actually understand economics and not be made fools of by politicians (have you ever read anything Paul Ryan has written? His ideas are deeply flawed and not communicated well). In addition, the population is advantaged because the infrastructure is maintained so that bridges don't fall down when we drive over them and planes don't fall out of the skies because regulations require inspections which require inspectors. We all depend on the goods that taxes provide.
One final thought -- the 'law of attraction' is not a law of the universe -- gravity is.


you were born (purely by accident) into the developed world. don't fool yourself
your whole life you've had something for nothing


You so don't get the point . It's about the many helping the few . What is so bad about everyone paying something so that everyone gets free education and healthcare ? The more healthy and educated a society the better it runs . Societies where you pay for everything yourself have the most poverty and only a few wealthy


Law of the universe? It sounds like a little Ayn Rand logic. Rest assured nobody is getting a free ride. Enjoy the fruits of you labor and have a nice life. Being a little short on empathy does not make you all bad. I would imagine there are a few people that will gush over your success and stroke your ego. A charming group I suspect.

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