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Has the education system really failed to this extent? They are having conferences, how is it possible that this nonsense is growing?
When I first heard of The Flat Earth Society I really thought it was a spoof.


Any thoughts?

Betty 8 Dec 5

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Literal bible believers is what the majority of these people are. Strangely most of them I have encountered in person are men. You can recognize just how many of them are bible literalists by they near constant use of the word "firmament", a word that is seldom seen outside the bible.
I think the real failure is in the government having ever allow private christian education at all let alone funding it.

I agree, religion is a business and I wish the government would treat it as such. A girl can dream...


The only thing they have to fear is sphere itself.


Kids and adults, and I think they got taxpayer money...

I believe you may be right. It's a darn shame.


In Kentucky they built an ark....

I saw clips of the Bill Nye The Science Guy special. They think the Ice Age was 4,000 years ago and that the Ark housed dinosaurs. I was just gob-smacked. What gets me is the kids are falling for it even in the age of the World Wide Web. Some things seem to be going backward. 😟

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