Amazing sound!!!!!
Isn't it awesome
Such an amazing sound
That is the best video that I've ever seen of hurdy gurdy playing that I've ever watched. In its several minutes I have learnt more of how the instrument works & is played than I ever have of 40 years watching live performances. Thank you for the share. Please repost to "Traditional and Folkmusic".
There is a Facebook group dedicated to the selling of hurdy gurdys. They seem to range from US $1200 - 2600.
I'm surprised they're not more expensive.
@Organist1 see photos - prices very varied & I was wrong in my upper & lower range.
@FrayedBear These are beautiful! I might actually be able to afford one.
@Organist1 my pleasure to share.
@FrayedBear Thank you. Not.many people appreciate the charms of the hurdy gurdy or Medieval music. I happen to be in love with both.
@Organist1 lol, we could enjoy many hurdy gurdy & mediaeval concerts together spaced weeks apart.
@FrayedBear Have you ever heard of Piffaro, the Philadelphia, PA- based Renaissance band? They are truly amazing. They have posted a lot on YouTube, so you might want to look for them.
@Organist1 Will do. No don't think I've encountered them. I was largely introduced through David Munro's album -
@FrayedBear He was a wonderful musician, and tragic he died so young! That is the sort of music I used to do as a crumhorn player in the Temple U. Collegium Musicum. It was so much fun!!! Now I'm not allowed to play crumhorn anymore because I have glaucoma. It puts too much pressure on the eye to play a double-reed instrument, or brass, essentially. Playing recorder is fine, and of course, the hurdy gurdy would work, too!
@Organist1 Proving yet again that there is no god.
Looks good I hope it's not too expensive
See above
@FrayedBear Amazing!!!
What is it and is it that expensive?
It's a hurdy gurdy, of Medieval origin C.13th century), also called the wheel fiddle. Ones made today are somewhat expensive, but not out of reach, costing about what you'd pay for a really nice guitar.
See above