I remember a geography teacher I had once. She was a raging asshole. She asked our class if anyone came from out of province (I moved to Ontario from Alberta, Canada a few years earlier) so I raised my hand. She asked me to describe Alberta. And I did. I said, "Alberta is mostly plains, with lots of prairie dogs, we have mountains to th-" she cut me off and said, "shut up, there are no mountains in Alberta. Alberta is completely flat!"
I was flabbergasted by her. She refused to let me explain that Alberta, THE PLACE I ONCE LIVED, had mountains.
I realized she was a shitty teacher when she said things like, "Japan is communist and will execute you if you litter. Africa is a country. You can't listen to that music it's tainting your soul because the title has the word 'war' in it", and this, this is my favourite thing I overheard her say, "I need to stock up on holy water."
Like what the ever living fuck lady!?
Are you serious?
I'm dead serious. This woman was nuts! Once someone's phone went off in their bag in the hall. Their ringtone happened to be some heavy metal song, she dropped the science class(yes she taught science too) and rushed into the hall and started rummaging through people's bags trying to find the 'devil music's.
If they paid teachers what they are worth, the quality of people entering the profession would be higher.
Actually I'm Canadian, our teachers get paid A LOT more then American teachers, she still sucked though. But hey, she was just right for their religion course! Fuck I hated that school.
@Cha I don't blame you. I wasn't crazy about school period. My brain tends to wander if l have no real interest in a subject. I find history incredibly interesting and they managed to make it boring all the way into college.
@Sticks48 That's what my CommTech teacher managed to do, along with somehow continually giving me grades below the class average despite telling the class, "I'm the one to ask if you need help", almost think she doesn't like me! And yes... I might be slightly bitter by how she marked me... just a tad!
@Cha It hardly shows. ?
@Sticks48 Ah good to know! Here I thought I was oozing resentment! XD
But in all honesty I think she just marked me harder than the other kids.
What grade was that - it does sound like that lady was a very poor teacher. Sorry that you had that experience.
That was grade seven.
Holy shit
It gets worse! She berated me in front of the other kids for 'thinking' Alberta was flat. And said, "I know more about Japan because I'm the adult. You're just a kid."
Right... I, the super geeky anime, japanese culture loving, and friends with multiple japanese individuals, know less then you the woman mistaking it for North Korea!
You can't change stupid at all