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As a single person, would you pick up and move half way across the country if you found someone on here you FEEL you may be compatible with?
(Sorry for ending that in a prep.) LoL

Hutch 7 Apr 28

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Honest answer would be I don't know. They would have to be some really good magic between us for me to do that. We would have to have meet a bunch of times and be in a really serious relationship for me to do it.


My present situation(s) would not allow me to move far away from where I reside currently.


That's a hard question, because I love where I live, BUT I'm in a position where I can pick up and move easily or split my time living part-time somewhere else, while renting out my place while I'm not living there. (So, it almost pays me to shack up with someone, haha!) I'm of the age where it would take a lot for me to FEEL compatible with someone, BUT if that were to happen, it would surely be worth a try, for the adventure. (Likely wouldn't sell my place, so I could return if it didn't work out.)


Maybe, depending on the state, and whether or not I lived in an RV.


No, took me a long time to decide this is the best place I can find, have set down roots, this is my life.




I might if I found the right one


Yes.... after plenty of time together testing it I'd be willing to relocate. After the first 100 or so miles, I see little difference between a 100-mile move and a 3000-mile move because all the same steps are required. The move (maybe for BOTH of us) would have to be for a great partner, AND a great place to live.


No I would not.... I am a bit of a believer in boundaries and mine are very strong. I would not uproot my life on a "feeling"...

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