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Do you have secular volunteer opportunities in your community or do you have to volunteer with religious groups? If you have to volunteer for religious groups how do you handle that?

SCbeelady 6 Apr 28

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Humane Society and the library.

Imagine by Chris Cornell

I live in the south and most everything has a religious tie to it.
I am a founding member of Atheist Alliance Helping the homeless Spartanburg SC group.
Its a great group doing great work for our homeless neighbors. We don't require anything from them. We don't try to convince then of our nonbelifeing.
Atheist alliance has chapters all over the country. They could always use help. Look them up.


I'd like to hear an answer for this question. I haven't heard of any, only ones that I know of always have agenda .


Except for bands, l avoid groups.


Find your local humanist chapter. This is mine 🙂


I donate a couple of hours a week to cleaning and maintenance at my local Buddhist centre. They're good people and respect that my own path has no place for their rites and rituals.


There are mostly religious ones in my area, no secular ones that I'm aware of.


e have both where I am, unless you go to a church or specific religious organisation, all the groups in my area are secular.


There's tons of secular groups that need help such as animal shelters, food banks, and various medical condition support groups in the community. You can Google volunteering in your city name to find opportunities.


We donate to the St. Vincent Society because they have orphanages. I am sad about their religiousness.

Not going to do much with VOA.

we volunteer with local education and recycling activities


I tried volunteering but didn't like it. I found out that I'm treated better when I get paid. It must have something to do with cognitive dissonance. Leon Festinger was a great social psychologist.

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