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Coming at you 'At the Speed of Science' - Narrative 2.0
Commentary from Jeff Childers 'Coffee & Covid'

'Uh-oh! This isn’t going to be good for business. The Daily Mail UK ran a story yesterday headlined, “Pfizer’s Covid Drug Paxlovid - Which Was Used to Treat Biden - Can Cause Deadly Blood Clots, Study Warns.”

Blood clots. Again!

The study’s gist was, researchers from Harvard Medical School found Paxlovid can cause serious health problems — including blood clots — when coupled with very common heart disease medication, like statins and blood thinners. It can also cause irregular heartbeat when taken along with drugs for heart pain, and when taken with statins can be toxic to the liver. When taken with immunosuppressants, Paxlovid can lead to toxic levels of blood plasma.

It’s SO great we’re finding out about all these problems AFTER the drug was released and millions of doses purchased with our tax dollars. Thanks Pfizer clinical studies! Thanks FDA regulators!

The speed of science!
WHOOOOSH. “What was that?”

“That was science, mate.”

“What was it doing?”

“It just stole your pocketbook, silly.”

Since Paxlovid is intended for use by patients likely to become seriously ill from covid, like seniors and people with pre-existing conditions — like heart disease — checking for drug interactions is pretty important.

Not only does Paxlovid give you a worse covid infection as a “rebound,” but it can also kill you. Sounds familiar, just like another medicine that Pfizer makes. Weird coincidence.'

BDair 8 Oct 17

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The speed of record profits, pharmaceutical science and spreading of covid. Greater than the increase malaria and Aids vaccines in Africa. No wonder Africa wised up, and has the best covid safety record by far in the world.


The moral of the story? Medical treatments should never be mandated. Informed consent, choice.

puff Level 8 Oct 17, 2022
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