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It's SADS when people die suddenly and unexpectedly.

BDair 8 Oct 17

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SADS or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is quite common in SE Asia. They are not big on autopsies but I heard one medical professional put it down to liver flukes from eating raw fish which made sense to me. These people die in their 30's or even late 20's. I did see a Bangkok University study that found that freezing a fish for 24 hrs will kill all parasites/ eggs so suggested people do that before they ferment fish to make a paste (they hang a fish in the sun, in a plastic bag to keep flies out, and use the decomposed juice in cooking. Looks/ smells gross but tastes good).
Life is risk eg Asians still eat raw fish/ seafood. Personal choice. Consent.
Life is not fair.

puff Level 8 Oct 17, 2022
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