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Trump derangement is real , I never liked Trump, but I don't see everything as his fault

He didn't give power to Jeffrey Epstein

Alex Jones didn't kill anyone ,I don't agree with everything he says and I dislike what he says half the time

But niether of these two are the true enemies of humanity... Jeffery Epstein and the rest are....

I can't tell if Jones or Trump is in on anything.. they seem to just be ordinary humans with flaws...

Jeffrey Epstein and cohorts are Not just fucking flawed human beings..

laidback1 6 Oct 18

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So you are saying that you like Trump and Jones better than Jeffrey Epstein? What, you can't dislike all three?

Would you vote for Trump again?

You cannot separate Trump from Jeffrey Epstein, they have history together.

"Jones or Trump ...seem to just be ordinary humans with flaws..." Are you proclaiming their innocence? Without evidence and because of bias? That is what believers do.

Are you retarded? You know people are innocent til proven quilty? So yeah I presume have no evidence.. hearsay lies aren't evidence

Jeffery Epstein clearly quilty,as so Ghislaine Maxwell,but where are the clients? Oh that's right you don't care about that . You care about taking speech away .. you going to help the police sue Sammy Hagar for him influencing people to not drive 55?

@laidback1 No, you presume Trump and Jones are innocent by denying and avoiding evidence because of your cult bias. That is a big difference.

@laidback1 Ranting and spewing out accusations and nonsense makes you sound like Trump and Jones, and they are both guilty. You should listen to news that actually tells the truth rather than what you want to hear.

@nogod4me btw a victim of Jeffery Epstein said she met trump and he wasn't one of them .. but you wouldn't know that because you don't dig deep enough about things that matter.

@laidback1 I hope you realize that doesn't prove Trump didn't commit child rape. Do you think Trump knew all of Epstein's victims? You must think Trump is more nefarious than I do.


Fauci derangement is no less real. Antivax rhetoric in 3…2…1…

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