5 5

Could be true but not sure.

InLogicWeTrust 6 Apr 29

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That is s lower percentage than l would have thought! And they say our education system isn't working.


Well if Fox News did the poll I would believe it. But I doubt if it is true if possible to ask everyone who identified as Christian. As it is a very diverse crown from fundamentalist to part of community and culture and not so serious about the dogma or who believes theirs.


Church members can be very Neanderthal in their beliefs.


That sounds about right to me, luckily there is a disparity between what people say and what they actually do. I think many would wait until the child reached adulthood, as they would be too afraid of what other church members would think of their abandoning their own child. Most religious folks care more about appearances than realities.


Wouldn't surprise me at all.

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