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:Freedom isn’t Free: sing along.....
Team America, World Police.

No matter if you are left, right, left right, left right, left right all get in line.

What would you do
If you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom?
What would you do
If asked to make the ultimate sacrifice?

Would you think about all them people
Who gave up everything they had?
Would you think about all them War Vets
And would you start to feel bad?

Freedom isn't free
It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
No, there's a hefty in' fee.
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?

What would you do
If someone told you to fight for freedom
Would you answer the call
Or run away like a little pussy
'Cause the only reason that you're here
Is 'cause folks died for you in the past
So maybe now it's your turn
To die kicking some ass

Freedom isn't free
It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
Now there's a hefty in' fee
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?

You don't throw in your buck 'o five.

Aw Fuck, this is horse shit.
May as well be singing :Everyone has Aids:

Castlepaloma 8 Oct 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Minus the god part… This is my song.


Government owns their bodies.
Where nobody owns me and make my own sacrifices.
Best things in life , are already free.
Two totally different worlds, creative vs destructive.

Some how, it's kill for Jesus , although there are many flawed and fake interpretation.


Marines can be artistic AND kill Muslims overseas


Niccce drawings, keep it up.

Can't imagine killing anyone ever, even if I dislike the lack of freedom from Muslims from touring most of their countries. If I was born there I would find a way to excape, War and destruction solves nothing.


When it’s kill or be killed, the choice is pretty easy. You’d be amazed though. Dead Afghanies are amazingly peaceful and safe to sit with.


Just don't set yourself up to be killed. Why kill millions of poor people, especially woman and children, half way around the world .

Same like John Wayne saying the only good indain is a dead Indain. It's a mental illness, or go with your true consciousness.

@Castlepaloma i never killed a woman or a child. I was on teams that saved several though.

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