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Has religion ever been the main reason for the dissolution of your relationship with your partner?

DarwinistOne 7 Apr 29

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no, but it has caused me to NOT get started in many


Being who she was, religion didn’t help her sanity plea.


It has never been the main reason for a dissolution of a relationship- It has, however, been the reason I have declined to start one before.


Hmmm! My first wife left me to join Osho in India! Does that count ? It was a very long time ago ?

I'm sorry for whatever pain you suffered, but cool story!


Yes! The one time I got married. Got out of the family home full of Baptists and landed in a family of lapsed Jehovah's Witnesses...too bad they didn't STAY lapsed!

Divorced in less than 2 years.



Coldo Level 8 Apr 29, 2018

I honestly try and stay away from being in a relationship with believers, now. I was once, and at that point in my life I was questioning my Christian up bringing. I felt I was being held back, always being told god is great but I never saw it. So yes it was part of the problem.

Ben13 Level 5 Apr 29, 2018

Yes, my divorce from a 5 year marriage happened because her and I could not reconcile our differences about religion. She was a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness when we met and I an 18 year sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous. She was raised with the JW religion and wanted to be reinstated so she would be able to associate with her family who remained JW. I tried to join her in the JW religion and she was reinstated and is happy today in her religion. I too am happy today being atheist. I do drink alcohol but that hasn't caused me any problems as it once did. All of the JW people I have met are kind upstanding people. I just can't agree with the stories they believe to be true and that becomes a dealbreaker to any type of deep relationship.


No, but I have met women who wouldn’t date me because I am not religious and wouldn’t drink the Kool-Aid.


Nope. Never been any question as to my beliefs with anyone I've ever let get that close.


It's been a main reason a relationship never started, but I only have ever dated non-religious people.

There is one guy, though, that for 10 years we would flirt at his work. He would get off his break to carry one of my bags. We got close to going out until I learned that he was a fundie who was aiming to be a pastor. What a sad turn of events because we were clearly into eachother. Alas, I just cannot be with someone who fundamentally opposes everything I am


It has been a large contributor, yes.

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