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Who has seen Infinity Wars? Where would you rank it among other MCU films?

ImRonBurgundy 5 Apr 29

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I would rank it pretty highly. Maybe top five of the 18 or 19 films. I’ve missed some. That’s just a rough estimate. I enjoyed it a lot!


10 pounds of movie in a 5 pound bag! Latest and worst of the Avenger films.
Iron Man trilogy still holds the crown.


I liked "Age of Ultron." "Civil War," not so much. Consider now, I am a James Spader and Paul Bettany fangirl. I like my superheroes like I like my I sit through the action crap waiting for the good parts.

They killed Vision and Loki, two of the finest characters because they evolved organically in the films. They killed half the universe and I'm supposed to believe only the high dollar, Jet-Puffed marshmallow men survived? You know what's infinite? Sexism. So disappointing.

"Infinity War" is Marvel's "Empire Strikes Back." Plus I find the "Guardians" annoying AF. If they make it into another film, the Avengers will be playing checkers instead of chess.

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