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Why do some members choose not to post a picture?

Are they afraid their spouse will see them?

I suppose there could be a rational explanation? I’m just not seeing it?

True, physical attraction is not the end all but it is just about all we get in this age of electronic dating.

JudyABQ 5 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I think my choice of no picture is more honest than the good looking bogus one.... Or would you prefer that?


I do not like the way people treat me when they know what I look like. And not because I'm ugly.

I prefer that people relate to me 100% on the basis of my ideas and communication, and 0% on the basis of my body and/or face. Online is the only context in which I get that chance.

This is not an across-the-board dating site. This is a social site with a dating option.

Fair enough; I’m sorry if you are treated badly; I sometimes take offense to comments! Have to remind myself not to insert emotion into the written word?; I have thin skin .....have actually deleted people who I thought were rude.


I would love to post a photo, but the system refuses to accept it. I've tried and tried and tried. Oh well.

I'd help you if I could! Everything I know about technology I've learned from my kids!
Have a good day....I'll be looking for your pic 😉

You could be running into the same problem I encountered when I tried to post a picture that had been scanned to the computer. It had an extension other than.jpg. When I opened it and saved it as a.jpg file I was able to upload it to


I know that when I found that some employers want to track their employees through social media I was a lot more careful than before. I had issues with pictures of myself, as I never liked any of them. I had a picture of a monkey face for years on many of my social media sites, I thought the monkey was much cuter than any picture of me

I have been known to use a "pen name" for the employers conundrum , as I had been job hunting since I landed in ABQ; At my age, I am doubtful that they think to look?


I figure I'm not on this site for dating. Joined for the community. I joined for the conversation and it is irrelevant whether I have a picture of me or not. If the site turned into solely a dating site, then I'm out of here. Happily married and not interested in any type of online relationship scenario. What does it matter what I look like to like minded individuals?

I, also, am here for community, am married, and she knows of my involvement here, and I still want to post a pic or three, and perhaps some memes, and wtfk. It says I can do it, I follow the instructions, and it doesn't work. I'd lile to know why.


I agree/ I have to be attracted to someone physically to go further

@ProudMerry well I probably would but I just don't know why you wouldn't have a picture of yourself if you're looking for a partner especially on a dating site. humans first covet what they see. you don't go out for a night with a blindfold on.

@ProudMerry that's fare enough so no need for a photo for you. dating sites are mostly scams for money anyway. I consider it a place where I have a lot in common with a lot of people and enjoy interesting conversation. to me, that is more like a place to date realistically or just to chat.


I am amazed by the people who consider this primarily a dating site.

everywhere is a potential dating site. does it really have to be defined as a dating site? if you look at profiles you can clearly see who is interested in dating. what else do you need apart from a picture?

Pretty thinly veiled......

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