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Fox Network, Sinclair broadcasting, and republican talk radio are powerful propaganda tools for the republican party. Will they keep republicans in elected government across the country?

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radar54 5 Apr 30

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Remember in November & get your ass to the polling place!


#FauxNews is bad enough, but now we have an even more insidious assault on the TRUTH coming from Sinclair Broadcast Group, and the RUSSIAN, former Trump White House staff member, Boris Epshteyn as its chief political analyst.

I had to boycott my local CBS affiliate news show, because, the owner, Sinclair Broadcast Group, with ties to #FauxNews, are now forcing their local news channels to air short, absurd, amateurish, propaganda blurbs into their feeds, "attempting" to make them look like legitimate journalistic commentary. When it first appeared on my evening news broadcast it was so blatantly obvious what they were up to that I immediately researched the issue, and found out what Sinclair IS and what they are up to. No thank you!!

“They are called “must-runs,” and they arrive every day at television stations owned by the Sinclair Broadcast Group — short video segments that are centrally produced by the company. Station managers around the country are directed to work them into the broadcast over a period of 24 or 48 hours.”



I don’t see them going away, only selecting new targets. The death of The Fairness Doctrine was the beginning of the pollution of ‘the public airwaves.’ They’ve so corrupted and distorted facts - that when the facts are presented, they’re labeled ‘Liberal,’ when all they are is the truth…

This is where it’s happened.. And it’s only getting worse. Right there with ‘Gerrymandering.’ ‘Media Propaganda.’ Hitler would be both impressed, and envious ~

Varn Level 8 Apr 30, 2018

Gerrymandering plays a big role.

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