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Whew, I have a little more faith in people.

Lorajay 9 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm a bit happier about the electorate but not about people. Insanity still got close to winning and, as a species, we're a second away from midnight (on the Atomic Clock). We've hit midnight on the environmental one just because humans won't live minimally and locally. Earth will make us, eventually, but it won't matter then (as if humans ever mattered).


But still 48.6% of the electorate STILL voted for Herschel Wanker?
Just how stupid do you have to be to do that?

Exactly !!!

I'm sure some of them were stupid but a lot more of them are just bigots who hate Democrats.

@Lorajay pretty much amounts to the same thing 😉

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