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Do we have many ebay sellers? I'll take any advice you have for someone just starting out.

UrsiMajor 8 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Ive made some money on Ebay - mostly things ive found at garage sales. My advice - when you get something home, clean it up, and don't be afraid to "touch up" spots that need it, take several good pictures, in the description think technical over colorful. And always remember shipping costs. Good luck!

gater Level 7 Apr 30, 2018

I sell. What are you selling? My first and formost advice is get your shipping figured out before you start. That seems to be the trickiest part for most new sellers. Next make sure you have some kind of set up and lighting for photos. You can browse YouTube for all kinds of helpful videos to get you on your way.

A lot of Barbie, Breyer, Madame Alexander, Estee Lauder compacts.. Good advice! Thanks!

Excellent! I also sell Barbie, dolls, toys, and accessories.♥

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