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Imagination is the living agent of all human perception with both intent and effort. Your mind first produce a visual imagine, shortly afterward follows words . There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds, the quality flows by the gift of fantasy conceives in images from objective reality. Imagination asks desired questions, it creates and grows with exercise. Anyone is enough of an artist to draw from their imagination as for it’s the basic health of every man. Concept may be lower form of imagination, and imagination is a poor substitute for experience. Few people have the imagination for reality and logic and reason can die off quickly. Your knowledge has limits but your imagination dose not. Reason respects differences, and imagination has a perceptible likeness of things. It’s an act not of reason but an intuition, Imagination is the eye of the soul and the voice of the daring. If there is anything Godlike about God it is that. When he dares to go beyond his wildest dreams, he can imagine everything.

I can prove most everything I know was once imagined, it’s created in beauty, justice, and happiness. It’s the main source of value in the new economy and the supreme master of art as of life. You create your own universe as you go along. The stronger your imagination, the more expansive your universe becomes. If you forget your dreams of your universe, your Universe will cease to exist. When your will and the imagination are in conflict, it is the imagination that most often wins.

What can be more Godlike than imagination?

Castlepaloma 8 Dec 18

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I don't know that imagination always wins over will. Most of us can imagine robbing a bank, but most of us have the restraint not to do it.

Good note, I've changed it to most often because I don't know.. I can imagine will wins some times. Often imagination mulipulate things to win , yet true will can possible win the marathon. Although both require imagination, so good question..

Immediately after the 2008 global financial crisis the banks had no qualms about being bailed out at the tax payer’s expense and huge bonuses continued to be paid out to bankers. Was their will too weak to refuse such unearned bonuses or did their imagination override it?


Yes , the big American Bail out Same by the imagination for marrijana enprisonment, 9/11: pandemic and so on. This kind of illness imagination is of a weapon of mass distractions, for more for them and less for us. Imagination can be used for strong ethic individualism as well for Globalist evil. The Religion God uses it like a carrot and a stick, with most ridiculous imaginationabe ritual. Like Hitler telling the biggest lie and repeating it.Making it more believeable to be true adding his rituals. Hitler was born and died a catholic , the ultimate of centroism for police brutality, violence,state terrorism, human rights abuses and violations. The religious countries are also have more of the most poverish countries, that kill more than wars.

@Castlepaloma Imagination one of our finest faculties of mind has also proven to be a rich source of exploitation for the unscrupulous that use it to pander their wares and play upon the fears of those who do not exercise a rational scepticism.


When my mind is the source of all problems. I go to my heart or good intentions to lead with, shortly followed by the mind of scepticism. It balances out better. About 90% of murderers in prison were raised by only their mother It's important for fathers to be part the balance of their growth. Another yin and yag example.

@Castlepaloma When feelings and logic match you have harmony. Sadly, there are many children whose fathers have abandoned them or who have died from illnesses or tragic accidents.


I don't believe in an invisible white man in the sky or personal Gods neither. The most powerful personal growth energy, i know of, is imagination. I Sense humans to be, all connections with the universe like Carl Sagan would talk about. Or Richard Dawkins and Albert Einstein believe in a form of an Deity God. OF a divine status, quality, or nature. The Universe is Godlike being 99% spiritual unknowns to be explored. Religious God claims to know their personal God. Or claim he has universeal truth and knowledge. I don’t think so., i just feel the empowerment and enlighten godlike moments of bliss..


What god?

I don't believe in invisible beings that reside somewhere beyond the clouds.

Literate Hiker, lifelong atheist

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