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Michelle Wolf at White House Correspondence Dinner. Funny or not? Unfairly mean or not? Opinions, please.

phil21 7 Apr 30

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1's a "Roast"'s what they do..


I just found this and had to post it for you.


Colbert did it a whole lot better than her. It was kind of lame. Trump was too thin skinned to attend, no surprise there. He had a rally instead, what a waste of tax payer money. He has the job and he still needs to try to fill that hole inside of himself, pathetic.

Colbert was the absolute best. No Doubt.


I stunned members of this administration have the ability to criticize tone and civility with a straight face


I loved it. I think it took a lot of balls to get up there and Bash everyone around you. Those people are insane and mean and she just told them what she thought about them. Kudos to her.


I thought some of it was unfunny. I thought parts were hilarious! Although I think if you dig deep and think, it wasn't overboard. Unless you think saying someone lies for a living is overboard.

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