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I'm a HUGE fan of high-speed rail. Chiefly, because I've spent a lot of vacations running around Europe on their bullet trains.


mischl 8 Jan 5

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I lived in Europe a long time and a couple of huge differences between them and us are: most countries are socialistic in nature and the average citizen pays a lot more in taxes for cradle to grave coverage and infrastructure. Also, the distances involved are a lot shorter than here. Germany itself is only the size of Oregon and Washington. Also, their politics (aside from the British) are not as screwed up as ours.

Thank you. Correct on all counts, Jack.


Much of why we do not have high speed rail is due to the oil industry buying up rail right of ways. Big oil engineered their dominance early on, working overtime to ensure a dependence on all things made with and using crude.
It would be nice to break the hold big oil has here in the U.S. and globally.

I'll not only drink to that, I'll VOTE for it.


Watching politicians destroy California's high speed rail for local political points was in a nutshell what's wrong with America.

Ain't that the TRUTH. America could be a GREAT country if it weren't for the idiot politicians screwing it up.

@mischl What he said.


They are amazing, but need to have stations a long way apart. There is no advantage to zooming up to full speed, then slowing down to stop again every ten minutes.
Therefore, there is still a need for slower, local trains.

In my experience, they have plenty of both. Especially the Deutsche Bahn.

@mischl Also France. But where I am, in Spain, the nearest station of ANY type is some 50 miles away, and the nearest high speed train station is over 100 miles away. We were promised both types would be in operation in 2005, but the project is now predicted for completion in early 2026. Twenty years behind schedule - so far!

sounds fun enough to spend a few moments and swap riders and stuff.


180mph/300kph and on time

MizJ Level 8 Jan 5, 2023
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