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Have YOU driven an fully electric car?

Note: A Prius does NOT count...sorry about that

Real fully electric cars are MUCH more fun to drive than any typical gas or diesel vehicle. And they are MUCH better for the environment.

A Prius doesn't count because it is a weak hybrid format that though it has an electric driving potential that is only IF one creeps along at a really slow pace and then only for a very short overall distance.

A REAL EV or "electric vehicle" has maximum power from zero initial speed. This means that ANY EV will accelerate amazingly quickly up to 30 or 40 mph giving the driver a truly fun experience (and making it safer to merge and get around city driving situations.

More powerful EV options, like the Chevy Bolt, have enough range to actually take possible longer trips (238 miles EPA rated range), but the Bolt has slower and less available charging for actually taking extended drives.

For true long-distance driving or ONE-car households, the Tesla engineering format functions well, as this company has built out its own charging system ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA. I have done road trips from Sacramento to Portland, Or. several times, to LA and San Diego several times, and even to Denver and on a recent trip all the way to Mt. Rushmore!

There is a newly introduced "cheaper Tesla" starting at $35,000 which can use the Tesla Charging Network, and it is getting rave reviews from the early delivery lucky buyers. It is very quick with reported 0-60 mph times of under 5 seconds and with the upgraded battery system (+$9,000) it has an amazing 310 mile range!

Besides taking great "road trips" in my 2015 Tesla Model S, I take mine to the local drag strip about every 4-5 months to embarass Corvettes, Camaros, and Mustangs. As noted above, EVs are very quick "off the line," and Tesla with the Model S offers what they call "Ludicrous" mode performance which makes this 5000 pound family sedan quicker than virtually ANYTHING on the road up to around 120 mph--which is all one needs for the 1/4 mile "drag strip" or any stop light challenge.....

We have to get older, but we don't have to become boring...

EVgeorge 5 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Saying they are much more fun than a gas/diesel is subjective. Better for the environment yes in certain aspects. I'd like to develop technology to reprise spent batteries though. I do know we have developed ways to harvest spent batteries and make them like new again but it's not on nearly enough of a scale we need.


Electric cars are not really better for the environment per se unless they are recharged with energy from renewables - they simply move the source of pollution from the street to the power station. Still, I'm for them.

Every reputable study I have seen indicates that even in the worst source of the electricity, they are at least 30% cleaner than an ICE vehicle. Most of the grid in the Western US is powered by renewable energy sources AND most of us "early adopters" actually have solar PV at our homes. I have a 9kW solar array in my backyard, so my whole house and charging the car is positive.


I haven't, but am determined my next vehicle will be 100% electric.

You won't regret that choice. Do "test drive" as many of the options you might be considering so you have the most information BEFORE needing to make that final decision.


EVs are great if you can afford them. I haven't test driven the "affordable" Tesla, but both the S and the X are far out of reach of the middle class customer. I get that you have to start somewhere and I love that Tesla has made driving EVs cool and sexy. Musk isn't the only one doing this either, he just got there first. You probably know about the Acrua NSX EV. There's nothing in production, but DAMN! =] Sadly, these cool cars are still in the realm of the semi-rich, I feel.

I owned a used Nissan Leaf for a few minutes. Bought it for my GF at the time and she totaled it drag racing (just kidding). She did total it. My main concern about EVs is the battery degradation. I didn't do my due diligence before purchasing this one and it had significantly degraded already. I know this will improve.

What is the recharge time on your Model S?

I had VIN # 320 Nissan Leaf in the world. I went to Tokyo in November of 2009 to attend the Tokyo International Auto Show just to see the debut of the Leaf and get excited about getting my really early order firmed up. But the Leaf has poor battery thermal control leading to rapid degradation under high heat conditions, e.g. New Mexico and Arizona are horribly bad settings for the Leaf. OTOH, pretty much everybody else is using high tech thermal control for both heat and cold to protect the battery cells and battery life for these is projected out towards ...TEN YEARS of use !

On my home charger, a Tesla HPWC on a dedicated 100 amp circuit, that charging system puts 56 miles of range back for each hour the car is plugged in. Further I have a Tesla Supercharger station only about 6 miles from my house and these pre-2017 Model S and X vehicles have LIFETIME FREE SUPERCHARGING, which puts about 130 miles of range back in only 30 minutes or so...


Annnd in my favorite color! Good on you for spreading the word!

Thanks. I went for the subtle look.

I am thinking seriously about getting my Model 3 again in RED, but that would be my 3rd RED Tesla, so I am also contemplating getting that RED Model 3 "wrapped" in some kind of super bright lime green or gold, or copper. I can always have the "wrap" pulled off and be back to the factory RED. Tesla has a terribly restricted choice of colors, IMHO.

@EVgeorge I vote for metallic swirls!


The photo is NOT a Tesla, but an electric "concept car" that was 3D printed and on display at the 2016 LA Auto Show. I get "Press Credentials" for such events as one of my fun hobbies is as a "contributing writer" for Green Car Reports, one of the major online souces of information on environmentally friendly vehicles.

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