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Are there any openly Atheist / Secular Humanist is Congress or any state governors or legislators

wathomas2nd 3 Apr 30

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Kyrsten Sinema states her religion as none. She was raised LDS but left the religion when she graduated BYU at 18. She went on to receive a masters from ASU. She is currently running for the Senate for Flake's position.

gearl Level 8 May 1, 2018

Against the criminal Arpaio, no less. Murderer should be in prison.


Ernie Chambers in Nebraska!

dkp93 Level 8 Apr 30, 2018

Bernie Sanders is clearly a secular Jew...and he has been described as an agnostic/atheist.

Bernie is clearly whatever he wants to be that day. Unless someone openly proclaims it, it is pandering. I am tired of Bernie


None that I'm aware of. Pity.

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