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As a kid, I experienced really awful nightmares. They were almost a nightly occurrence, and the ones I could recollect always reflected my religious anxieties. I'll briefly share one I had in the fifth grade.

The world was shaking and I was alone walking in the streets littered with the dead or dying. The background noise was the constant sound of wailing. I was strangely unaffected by the suffering around me. As I entered a church, congregated in the pews were people from all walks of life furiously praying for their salvation. I was suddenly panicked realizing I had no idea where my mother and little brother had ended up, afraid that they had died in the panic of the apocalypse. The crowd suddenly exploded in cheers as a large statue in the front was toppled to the ground and a man standing on the remains yelled something I couldn't hear. For a moment I was pulled away from my body (as can happen in dreams) to see events happening around the world. Mothers were slitting their infants' throats to save them from a short and miserable life and all of the water in the world turned red with blood. Coming back to my body, I saw as the roof of the church was torn away to reveal total darkness, and we all stood crammed shoulder-to-shoulder in the darkness awaiting our fate. As we waited, I was overcome with terror. Maybe I hadn't prayed enough? Would I be sent to hell?

The themes of my nightmares tended to follow pretty Catholic themes such as the End Times, general death, demonic possession, etc. I can't pinpoint exactly when they stopped, but I know I haven't had one of since becoming an atheist. So happy for that.
Anyone interested in sharing similar experiences? Nightmares, fears...

Sammad95 4 Apr 30

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Hi I was raised roman catholic and never understood the fear and guilt that the church used. Goes contrary to being benevolent as they espouse to be.

I was a doubter in catholic high school. And after high school on of my older brothers best friends brougbt charges against our ccd priest
The church transferred that priest, the teen committed suicide and finally that priest was charged and put in jail finally.
Its more the coverimg up that drove me off

Thats when i.knew iwas done with the church


Used to have a nightmare even as a teen where whatever the plot was, things will start to pick up speed to a point where I was desperate to wake up but I just couldn't move a finger. The weirdest part of it all, I was aware of my surroundings, I could hear or tell if anyone else was nearby and still could not snap out of it. The level of anxiety would hit the roof in a heartbeat because I felt as if I was dead. The worst part of all, I would know when it was about to happen so I would suffer it because I could not stop it. Eventually I would wake up ok. Not sure when or why did stop. Don't even know why it happened in the first place. Long time ago anyway.....


I once had a dream about a load of people shaving horses in a river. They were making a bad job of it; and the water was flowing red. I wanted them to stop, but I was told that the people had to learn how to shave. (I wrote a poem about it and it was published in an anthology to raise money for animal rights, but as I was a student at the time I could afford to buy a copy!)


I still have the occasional going to hell nightmare usually about stupid shit like I jerked off one to many times and had children out of wedlock, or my terrible potty mouth. But at least growing up Catholic I always figured most normal people would be shooting for purgatory anyway.


As a kid, I used to frequently have terrifying nightmares -- the kind of stuff that would make even today's horror movies look like a walk in the park. It got to the point that I would try to avoid going to sleep altogether, because I was so scared.

One night, something really bad was about to happen in a dream, and I just remember shouting "NO" or "STOP", and it caused everything to freeze -- like, full-on CGI movie effect freeze... everything just stopped, and I was still standing there, looking around. It freaked me out and I woke up... but the more I thought about it, I figured "well, if all of this is only going on inside my head... why can't I control it? It's my head." So I kept working on it whenever I would dream, until I was able to completely control anything and everything that was going on.

I haven't had another nightmare since -- if things even remotely start to turn dark, I just completely change what's happening... I can tweak, stop, start, alter... it's like the Matrix, only a lot cooler and a lot more realistic. Decades later, I found out this is actually called "lucid dreaming"... but up to that point, I was pretty sure I had superpowers or something. =)

tmaaz Level 5 May 1, 2018

This is extraordinary and heart wrenching. I’m so sorry you had to endure these dreams and I hope you find some comfort in sharing your story.
When I was 5 years old my family lived near an air force base. F-15 fighter jets would frequently fly directly over our house all hours day and night. When I would hear the jets approaching in my sleep, I would dream that the earth was falling away towards me into hell because the rapture had already occurred. In my mind, my family was already taken to god and I was left behind to fall to hell in my bed. It was brutal.

Haha I don't feel affected by them now, and though they felt normal at the time, it is heart-wrenching in retrospect thinking of such horrific themes religion introduces to a young child.


I had a few episodes of sleep paralysis growing up. That was terrifying!

Proto Level 6 Apr 30, 2018

Poor baby...thats tough. My wife has bad dreams and i wake her out of them. Shes had a rough time. Not today though.

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