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Warning, even though it happened 1500 years ago, today is still makes my skin crawl. These poor people were slaughtered and none of there belongings were taken. Very strange.


slavenomore 5 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I wonder if there will be evidence of the Plague ,once all data is in. That would explain why their possessions were not touched.


Sounds Trumpish

EMC2 Level 8 May 1, 2018

Sounds like someone was sending a message.
"Fuck with us and we will kill all of you. We won't even loot you, just erase your bloodline completely."
I can see that being a tactic in an honor culture. Avoiding theft as an unworthy activity while making sure that your own people are left alone.


Mankind being mankind.


Sounds like revenge of some sort.


Man is still fighting with rocks.Think about it,H bomb made from rocks,guns,metal,and bullets from rocks,even tanks,and jets

Wow, keen observation! I like it.

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