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You know GOP decisions are bad when this happens


Larimar 8 Jan 19

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WOW!! That's huge!!


At last. Common sense is sneaking in.


Yes, the Evangelical's overreach may have awakened the dragon. The majority of Americans, and that includes tens of millions of NON EVANGELICAL Christians, want abortion to be safe and legal for perfectly valid reasons.


Of course abortion is a human right. That’s what religion does; it denies human rights.

Death with dignity is another human right that religions want to deny.

Just plain old everyday suicide is also a human right, dammit. However, you do not have a human right to make a mess that other people have to clean up.

There are some rights you can add to these three.

Yes, like all the people with absolutely no quality of life languishing and often suffering in nursing homes at tremendous expense..... while voluntary euthanasia remains illegal.

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