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Great quote on prayer

Aralt 7 May 1

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True, but religious persons are not all that rational. They are very much into willful ignorance.


It is an act of doubt. The thought that your god is going to make the wrong call and only you have all the right answers.


I have no idea how to pray, who to pray to, why pray . It's useless, meaningless, just a crutch.


Prayer is useless.


Boom, mic drop.....


That is a good quote. 🙂

Betty Level 8 May 1, 2018


Athos Level 5 May 1, 2018

Yes! And if you had faith in god's plan, you wouldn't be asking him to change it. But, if you doubted god and thought you knew better than him, you'd always be asking him to do it your way, while adding "your will be done" when in public.


I've had similar thoughts on the subject. I had a "religious interlude" in my life as a result of too many acid trips. Oh, I never got really religious like, you know, devout kind of religious, but for a while I believed that God was real and knew my innemost thoughts, held all conceivable power, and had some sort of plan going on for humanity. It was that thing about being all-powerful that kept me from praying. I figured if God was all-powerful, she/he already had whatever situation I was worried about covered in angles far beyond what I could even imagine, so who was I to be giving her/him requests and instructions? Then there was that "innermost thoughts" aspect. God already knew what I was thinking, so why would I have to put it into words for her/him? One day it occurred to me that putting it into words wasn't for God, it was for ourselves. This was the point where I turned toward meditation and for quite a while for me it was about finding the words for the thoughts...well, looking around for them anyway.


Bingo. My thoughts exactly.

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