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A logical fallacy is a mistake in reasoning or the soundness of an argument. A loaded question can be fallacious or not, depending on what facts are known or only assumed. A loaded question with fallacy makes an assumption and then asks the question given that assumption.

If someone walked up to you and asked, "do I exist?"

Could that be construed as a loaded question?

Loaded question makes an assumption ... Implied assumption because question is being asked, "i don't know if I exist ", thus, asks another that appears to exist, "do i exist"? So, is the assumption implied?

Can this implied assumption be a loaded question?

Word 8 Jan 25

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Since I believe nothing is real until it's observed this seems a perfectly valid question. Better than "How are you?" because it has relevance.


How about this one; "Hi, I know you from somewhere, I think I've seen you at my church."


As if there are not important things in the world that need our attention.

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