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Calling out all the lawyers,judges & educators you have failed, Jeffery Epstein's ilk are still Free to continue to do horrors beyond most imaginations..

Lawyers & judges your selfish entitled bullshit that you get to have all the knowledge as a segmented class is totally apathetical & antithetical to actual Justice & is abhorrent & unacceptable.

Educators must start teaching the basics of law at kindergarten,everyone who is a citizen ought to have the capability of being their own lawyer and know how to prosecute..

This let to be in the hands of the few hath shown an unaccountable class of scum that has let Jeffery Epstein's ilk flourish and continue to exist...

I demand Justice ,I command Justice now.. i am speaking for everyone, every citizen ,you have no fucking right over the destiny of humanity

laidback1 6 Feb 5

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Una revolución es algo así como destruir un viejo edificio para construir uno nuevo, y el nuevo no se construye sobre los cimientos del viejo. Por eso, un proceso revolucionario tiene que destruir para poder construir, una revolución es una lucha a muerte entre el futuro y el pasado. Fidel Castro

"A revolution is like destroying an old building to build a new one, and the new is not built on the foundations of the old. Therefore, the process of revolution must destroy in order to build . . . a revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past."

Fidel Castro

No...we need to communicate,and educate.. violence is what the enemy controls.. we must be better than them

@laidback1 Good luck with that . . . . The plutocrats, pedophiles, and war criminals will not just roll over and play dead and allow their power to be threatened. It is so easy to see it is obvious, especially with regard to what they have been doing overseas, and with the police.

"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." - Declaration of Independence

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