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I cannot help but feel drumpy would be a better human being if he could not listen to Fox.
Ideas on how to implement this?

AnneWimsey 9 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh boy... it isn't just that. Fox just reinforces and supports who he already is. He has spent his life with a silver spoon in his mouth and little to no real consequence to his actions. He surrounds himself with people who continue to butt kiss and ego stroke and removes anyone who brings him back to reality. The only real way to fix it is get him away from everyone and get him the real help he needs, not this BS he wants.

AmyLF Level 7 May 2, 2018

Ever watch "Last Week Tonight, with John Oliver"?

He frequently makes commercials for Trump, and buys ad time on Fox shows (in the DC area) so that Trump will actually see them. They are hilarious! What I think was his first one, was made to look like a commercial already on Fox with a with a "cowboy" spokesperson advertising catheters. He actually hired the actor from the catheter commercial to tell Trump a very unsubtle political policy message.

The most frequent commercial, which airs this week on Hannity's show (I think it was Monday morning) has the "catheter cowboy" explaining, in very simple language and clear logic, why Trump should not "blow up" the nuclear deal with Iran. (and the pun is very much intended.) I'm sure it's available on You Tube now.... In fact, let me check now. BRB......

There are a whole bunch of them on You Tube, but here is the link to the one about the Iran deal:

If you have not seen it yet, go watch. You will be glad you did.If that's the first one you have seen, check out the older commercials here:

The show is on HBO Sunday nights. It is absolutely genius!

You're Welcome. LOL

JPM7 Level 3 May 2, 2018

Um.... When I said "...he makes commercials for Trump....." I meant commercials to SHOW to Trump. (for an audience of one.) The way I worded it made it sound kind of like the ads were made to promote Trump or something like that. That is certainly not the case!


I think you are giving the idiot in charge way too much credit with your statement. I have never seen or heard of any evidence that portrayed him as a decent human being. I have always considered him to be a snake oil salesman/slime ball and a perfect caricature of the 'ugly American'. He uses Fox and the shit that they peddle as 'news', to keep himself current with the idiots who voted him in.

See my apology below! You are 100% correct!

@AnneWimsey No apology necessary.


Okay, sorry all, I guess I was slinging that "human being" thing around way too loosely. FOOL (Form of Obnoxious Life) is better. But Fox is running the country through him, and that's just deplorable!


Well, I don't know... I hear they're allowed to watch Fox in prison.

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