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I like this bible better

TheoryNumber3 8 Mar 1

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That's useless because all obnoxious people think of themselves as nice guys. No Hitler, Putin or Mao would say
: Yes, I'm a dick, a perv, a monster.
In the image they have of themselves, all a-holes are paragons of moral superiority and purity.

a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.


Dudeism uses the word "asshole" instead of dick but the meaning remains. Kurt Vonnegut Jr said, "Be kind." Many think that I don't achieve this standard because I don't engage prolonged argumentation (especially over what I've already written in reply to a question). It's hard to not be contentious when addressing a mass mistake of thought/behavior (especially when it's goal is of decent intention). People assume one is against the intention rather than their strategy for achieving it.


That's all it takes!

Easy Peasy!!

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