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Why you should scrape the cancer-causing burnt bits off toast, and other foods. Plus some healthy cooking tips


Petter 9 Mar 9

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Hmmm... I like the taste of burnt toast with butter, and I don't mind burnt marshmallows and other burnt foods. I guess it's a good thing bread is expensive, so I rarely buy it, and I haven't had a s'more in probably 10 years, but mmm.... they're so good! I love barbecue. But, I think since I seldom eat the burned foods they discuss in the article, I'm likely fine, but it's good to keep it in mind. I've been hearing about charred food causing cancer for years.

This post reminds me that, as children, my siblings and I were told by our dad, in his gruff Navy voice, that eating burned toast puts "hair on your chest" but I don't think that's true, since I hardly have any! Perhaps he was talking to my brothers.

Like all things, even chest hairs, moderation is a good thing. The problem is finding the will power to stop!


“soaking cut potatoes in hot water for 10 minutes can reduce their acrylamide formation by almost 90%”, but I imagine the chips would not be very crispy.

It’s a good article; thanks for sharing.

I often par-boil potatoes before frying them. They do still crisp up,

@Petter Good to know.

@MsKathleen I slice them, as though ready for frying, then put them into cold water and bring it to the boil. I let it simmer slowly for 3 minutes, then drain the water and leave the potatoes on a rack for a couple of minutes whilst I bring the oil up to heat.

@Petter I routinely peel and slice or dice potatoes ahead of time and soak them in cold water until I’m ready to cook. I’ll switch to hot and try your method.

@MsKathleen Let me know afterwards, please.


This vegetarian nearly HURLED, seeing the photo of the links/patties!

Really? Seeing a PHOTOGRAPH of food you wouldn’t eat made you physically ill? Seems like a psychological problem, to me.

@MsKathleen It was facetious, thanks for the analysis.


but thats the best part!

I know. Extra crispy fries and well toasted toast are part of life's luxuries. I fear moderation is needed.

@Petter horrible.

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