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It seems that overnight the BBC has gone full blown fascist
Former England Soccer Captain and BBC sports broadcaster Gary Lineker has been told to "Stand Down" from his duties at the British Bastards Corporation for making a personal tweet in his own time on his own account, that new controller of the Blowhard Blatherskite Cockortion "Richard (Big Dick) Sharp" took offense at.
Big Dick, a friend and personal banker of former Knob Head in chief Comrade Boris Johnson, was gifted the position of Chairman of the Buggeryou Bitches Crapfest by the former PM as a thank you for securing him a loan of £800,000, a position in the gift of the Current Prime Minister Mr. Rich Tea Biscuit.
Gary Lineker made the unforgivable Faux Par of saying that the current home secretary's "Fuck the Foreigners" Bill going through parliament at the moment is reminiscent of certain laws proposed by the Ratzi party in the 1930s. In that it proposes those seeking asylum from terror else where in the world just go home and take being tortured and murder with a stoic stiff upper lip in the manner of proper men, or else face having their right to seek asylum in the UK taken away and be prosecuted for daring to come here looking for it, then be sent on a one way all expense paid holiday to slave work camps in sunny Rwanda, country willing to allow us to pay them handsomely for taking our recycled waste people.
Home secretary Ms Sewer Brattyman thinks this law to be a work of genius, Mr. Lineker disagreed and so has had to face the consequence, of pointing out the law is unjust, illegal and is a breach of the human rights act, which in the modern Uk means losing his job, being publicly pilloried and being probably soon offered a compulsory holiday to the luxurious slave work camps in sunny Rwanda.

LenHazell53 9 Mar 11

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The Tories aided and abetted by their mouthpieces the “Daily Ragsheets” owned by Russian Oligarchs, The Murdochs, and other Enemies of the common people, have managed to turn the country into a hate driven, xenophobic, inward looking, hell-hole for all decent people who are not right-wing little Englanders. Those people who sadly were deceived into voting for Brexshit and who are basically decent and generous to refugees, immigrants & foreigners in general. Sadly a daily diatribe served up against foreigners and the EU in the aforementioned right wing scum press has turned roughly half the population into people who are vehemently opposed to refugees and immigrants of any kind. Worst of them seem to be those children of immigrant families (mainly from the Indian subcontinent) who have prospered the most from being educated and risen in the professions in the UK…many of whom have been elected as MPs. The PM himself is not only the first of Asian heritage to attain such status, but his Home Secretary Suella Braverman, she who admits to having wet dreams of sending plane loads of immigrants to Rwanda…is herself not the first , but the second, second generation British Asian to hold the post. We thought BoJo’s Home Secretary Pritti Patel, Braverman’s predecessor was as low a bar as we could get in regard to policy and rhetoric, however Suella by name Cruella by nature proved that not to be so.

As for the one time criticised by the Tories for being run by a shower of lefties when it was actually pretty neutral. Since the Tories got into power in 2010 they’ve systematically gone about changing that perception to such an extent that you’d be forgiven for thinking it was now actually a government department, as far from being unbiased and neutral it’s obvious to any regular viewer/listener that they have a strongly right leaning bias. They employ journalists on the news and current affairs programmes with Tory stamped all over them…Laura Kuensberg, Fiona Bruce and most blatantly Andrew Neil, now ex BBC, and a Rupert Murdoch employee. Lord Alan Sugar (of The Apprentice) was not taken off the air in the aftermath of him telling the public not to vote for Jeremy Corbyn a couple of years ago. Why then this decision to stand down Gary Lineker? He never made any remark about the current immigration policy on air on BBC, it wouldn’t have been appropriate to do so on a Sports programme. How then can he have breached any BBC guidelines? He made a very measured and proportionate statement on his Twitter platform making comparisons in the rhetoric used by Ms Braverman regarding immigrants to that of Nazi Germany in the 1930s…and in that he is completely correct and should be applauded for it not pillaried as he has been. I’m afraid the BBC got this very wrong, by bowing to pressure from the government, and whilst the career of an already very rich and successful football journalist will not be harmed by this incident, far from it, as if he refuses to back down and ends up leaving the BBC, I’ve no doubt he’ll pick up an even bigger pay check from one of the rival channels. On the other hand the damage done to the reputation of the BBC will be lasting and may prove to be fatal to an organisation already struggling to justify its value for the licence fee, and perhaps ultimately it’s very existence.

In October 2021 an online search revealed that Pritti Patel was a director of a company that supplied PPE Gear. Two weeks later her name disappeared from the register of companies at Companies House.

@ASTRALMAX No surprise at all…just typical I’d say of many other Tory MPs. She was having secret meetings with Israeli officials under cover of being on holiday and had to resign as Overseas Aid Minister in 2017…

@Marionville Yes, all got their fingers in various pies. At least when Dick Turpin robbed people he wore a mask which is not needed today when it can all be done behind closed doors.

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