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March Sadness. If there is one thing I hate more than pro basketball, it's college basketball.

Secretguy 7 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I like a lot of sports, that is why I never watch it. Sport is something you do, not watch, pro-sport is to real sport, what pornography is to sex, its pros turning tricks for the fake enjoyment of couch potatoes.


My university doesn't have a horse in the race this year, otherwise i'd watch it.


There's 3 other networks and lots of cable options. Just don't watch it. A lot of other people like it. If there's an office bracket pool, don't play it. There you go. I love NBA, NCAA even the Women's bracket if a local team is playing. Whatever floats your boat, or doesn't.

The Temple Owls are my team. Now they are looking for a new head coach. I miss John Chaney!

@Organist1 She just signed a huge contract with South Carolina Women's team, but if they have the guts to offer Dawn Staley the job, I think she'd jump at the chance to be 1st woman to be heard coach of a division 1 men's program. It'd be groundbreaking.

@barjoe I'd love to see that. She's great, but how could she get out of the contract she signed?

@Organist1 She can get out of a contract as a coach. If they fire a coach, they have to pay them for the duration of the contract but they can step down. She's getting $3 million a year so I doubt if Temple will fork that much up but she might take less.

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