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Thoughts on this one?

SpikeTalon 9 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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While there is some inevitable truth in this, it is in the trying that we learn what the real alternatives are - not in the assuming we know.

skado Level 9 Mar 18, 2023

I can agree with that, sounds reasonable. When it comes to politics and political views these days, far too many assumptions get thrown around.


Having served on a couple of juries, in a country where the justice system is held up to be a subject of national pride. I can assure you that that statement, is literally true, in the most brutal and simple terms.

In the UK, is serving on juries mandatory / compulsory , or do you have to volunteer?

@Thibaud70 It is mandatory / compulsory.


Such as capitalism is the least bad system of government.

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