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There are two modes of seeing the world. There is fact gathering and coming to our best conclusions from those facts and there is believing things because we want reality to work a certain way and ignoring anything that contradicts those beliefs.

I'm struggling with teaching my son this concept rn and as with anything you focus on, I'm suddenly seeing it everywhere."I don't like this creature so evolution made a mistake" "battered women stay with their abusers because they are weak people" "this lady is an artist so she must be a teacher" are 3 I've heard this week.

The problem with the belief mindset is that it ignores the actual functioning of reality. It is often directed at others as a judgement and condemnation of them. Frequently it is directed at the most vulnerable as an excuse to behave badly toward them.

Depressed people just need to "get off their butts and stop feeling sorry for themselves" completely ignoring the fact that their brain chemistry keeps them stuck not their lack of motivation. Poor people need to "get a job" despite the fact that most of us work 70+ hours a week with little recompense. Animals we don't like are nuisances despite the fact that they were here first and are neccesary pieces of their various ecosystems.

So, please, stop "believing" things then drawing conclusions. Gather as many facts as you can,draw your conclusions from those facts and be willing to accept new and better information when it comes your way.
/end rant.

OpposingOpposum 9 May 2

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I see you have a firm grasp on the ignorance of the political situation of today. I think we will have a good chance of evolving beyond this mode of being if we can get past the next ten years without killing ourselves. We have to learn as a society something of the last century. The era of Mccarthyism has risen again and as it has not worked, it will not now. We have to learn or parish.


He is younger and nieve and he has got to deal with these things mostly himself really. you can guide him and ease your conscience but at the end of the day, he has to find himself. wisdom is not easy to pass on and some things he will have to learn the hard way. just be there for him id say.


What you are discovering are your dark biases. Everyone has them but most of us ignore them and state that would never be me.

I found (most) of mine years ago when I decided on reason rather than faith. I was raised to dislike people of color, foreigners, gay people etc. anyone different really. Having to weed that out of my kids head has come as a shock. I thought I'd rid my little world of that a long time ago


Nice rant. I was already in agreement to this (I try not to burn facts then apply the ash to my eyelids for a perfect smoky eye look like Sarah H S.)

Looking outside in, being from a more secular society (I.e. Québec), I have noticed that many laws and regulations in many parts of the US are very judgmentally oriented often rooted in religious stereotypes.
examples: welfare recipients should be drug tested (that has always been a waste of money and failed)
Any voting restrictions
any anti- or restrictive abortion law
Programs that encourage abstinence
The belief that there is no such thing a a living wage.

Kudos !

Its very true and its creating a class of people with no way out of poverty. The worst part is that we will never solve these problems as long as they're seen as personal shortcomings rather than systemic problems.

@Blindbird well said

@Lukian now if I can just convince everyone else...

@Blindbird I saw a comment about your little 8 yo. Just apply a little of his thinking back at him (I know you'll be sensible) but things like Did you know that people think that kids that do such and such means they are such and such? Make him protest the stereotype also tell him you know better than that because you know he's an individual. He may think of taking the high road next time .... I can tell you that the closer you hit the core the more impact it will have (but you must back him up and emphasize the generic people think that way and it's not right).
My 2 cents.

@Lukian thanks.


Good rant. Knowing you on here, I have no worries about your son learning this concept.

It's a struggle. I swear the kid has republican brain.

@Blindbird yikes?! Lol

@Blindbird I blame the parents!!! 🙂 Lol

@Petter yes. I am a failure as a parent. You are entirely correct. I'll just go heave myself off a bridge,shall I?

@Blindbird Nah! You'll probably fail. Might as well live with it, and post alternative avatar photos!


I would imagine that belief, is often the last resort, prior to thinking. a place where curiosity withers under the shade cast by judgmentalism.

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