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So glad I found this site. The age old question how much freedom do we have over our actions? Compatibilism

jackjr 7 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

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No fucks left to give certainly plays a factor in some decisions😏.
The behavior of a drunk comes to mind.
Interesting discussion.


Frankfurt was a weenie. No, one obviously has no responsibility for something they could not control (even though that action will have reactions that equal those of freely chosen behavior). Prior to invasive radiation scans these unknown conditions were undetectable so unaccounted for. Now we do so they are deterministic. Seems obvious to me but I'm also a dick. Some, like myself, might point out that humans start out like a tumor (foreign growth of cells which must be ejected or the host will die) so we can't help but be destructive.

What if the 'human' knows there is a problem yet seeks not to try and alleviate it? My first wife was/is bi-polar. She knew this yet decided to not get treatment. She once told another friend and I if we question religion we were condemned to hell. She said she knew she often did bad things and hurt others but god made her that way so it's okay.

@jackjr To know there is a problem and not do anything about it is very undude. Te Ching tells us to be proactive to foreseeable problems but not over-act. I'm bipolar so that, alone, doesn't create such thinking. She, like most female-attributed people (I think), was fearful and sought safety by aligning herself with the thinking of those who are dramatically fearful.

@rainmanjr In the world the mentality is if it ain't broke don't fix it. That was my families motto (and still is) and is one reason both parents died at 67. I am a huge believer in being proactive which is why at my age I am still very healthy with almost no health issues.

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