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All my life I've been uncomfortable with prostitution and today watching an old lady saying that she was pimped out by her mother at 14yo really just sparked anger thinking it's like what if prostitution was more shunned than it already is , what if more people saw it as such a horrid crime cause of the consequences,not saying it would stop all underage rape but i bet it lessen it a whole lot..

If we had to could make it a medical procedure,with volunteers.. cause sex is an important aspect for mental health..

But making it a commodity, causes such horror for everyone involved especially the women,only the pimps live well ..

If we had sex volunteer sex hospitals instead pimps be out of business

laidback1 6 Apr 13

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Countries that have decriminalized it have seen good results. In the Netherlands disabled people do indeed get some government funded sex therapy so to speak.


Are you saying prostitution is bad? I'd prefer if it were completely legal, it would definitely stop some rape and minimize the number of "pimps" in the us.

Tejas Level 8 Apr 13, 2023

If there were volunteer sex therapists,sex couldn't be used as a commodity.. and it would stop most all rape,and would put
all pimps out of business

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