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Pro woman surfer, is boycotting world woman surfing league. because of trans in her sport.

One transgender woman said. The shark that bitten off her arm, was a trans shark. Wait till they have to cut off their own dick off, to be a woman and by their own choice. A few trans feelings autism and Dysphoria is not worth the 85% of women who oppose. And they are the true adult females and biological women. []

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 24

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Think she knows male seahorses are the ones that give birth, clown fish begin life as male and then become female, there's a lot of gender fluidity with flounder, and that penguins will bang anything - same sex, other species, rocks... Yeah, there's something in the water, alright!

I once crashed from surfing accident from a big wave and though I was going to be reincarnated as a sand crab. It all sounds fantasy fun , yet I would not go see a Disney movie version of it. They try it, it turn into the lowest box office sales in 24 years

@Castlepaloma I don't know. Pitch it to Ursula and maybe she can hook you up!


I have much tamer sexual desires, many of these trans are a fetishes disorder.

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