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What better place to ask this question: What's the difference between a Christian who loves god and a Christian who fears god?

lerlo 8 Apr 26

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The former is an imbecile, the latter is a cretin.


I believe that a good Christian is required to do both. Since the love of god is required for salvation, but so is the fear of god. The terms " Fear of god. " And "God fearing Christian." were introduced originally into Christian dogma, because it was thought that Christians should distance themselves from pagan classical philosophy. Many schools of which ( Stoics, Epicurians )shared the same idea, that. "You have nothing to fear from god." Because if god is all good, then god can do no harm, especially to anyone who has tried their best to be good and moral themselves.

But under Christian theology, God may ask you to do things which may seem evil to you, but you still have a duty to obey. And the only reasonable reason for doing so, is the acceptance of gods authority, fearfully, and the idea that god "moves in mysterious ways," and is "beyond understanding". So that it is not possible to interpret the will of god by reason and good moral judgment alone, and therefore only fearful blind obeying will do.

A great idea for those who claim to be the spokesmen of god, for if they meet with. "No I will not do that its wrong." Then they answer with. "You will do it because god speaks through me, and you can not judge god or understand his commandments."

@Fernapple Got it, thanks

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