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Kids: Safety of C19 Injections

"I am sharing my clinical experience, research and professional opinion. I welcome any dissenting views and I am open to civil debate. Please pause before making healthcare choices and avoid being driven by fear and confusion.

As always, I am not suggesting the strategies I mention are a cure to any disease and recommend that all do their own research in order to make informed decisions.

Also, please consider the stress we have all been under and respect that we are all unique individuals, with unique needs. I hope you will join me in a united effort to be less judgemental and focus on being kind and loving towards one another.

Be well!"

BDair 8 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Yet another CHIROPRACTOR, yuppers, there's a fabulously respected source.......

Can you remark on something in his presentation
that you believe is incorrect?
I challenge you to do so.

@BDair Since the average chirpractor only has a HS diploma and at most 18 months of in-person schooling, sometimes only 20-30 hours of online 'training', why would i bother?

Children were never at risk from an evil virus.
They are at a great and unknown risk from
adverse reactions to a mRNA biologic injection.

@AnneWimsey You have no idea what his qualifications
or level of education are. You are full of
bovine excrement.

Since you are such a ;bitch',
it isn't any wonder that you would
prefer to get medical advice from
a veterinarian.
'Pfizer CEO and veterinarian Albert Bourla'


As a world class sculptor, when people wonder if I'm good enough for a complex sculpture project. I ask, you wouldn't hire a veterinarian to do brain surgery on you , if you could hire a world class brain surgeon to do it.


Most mice refused taking the vaccines, because they still are testing it on humans.

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