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Is anyone else appalled and worried about the mass defunding of public schools in favor of private schools and charter schools? Also the whitewashing and Biblicizing our text books (Texas) Aron Ra is running for office there and I hope he wins.

misstuffy 7 May 3

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Can't say I am, and in the future I would like to see government regulated cyber schools phase out physical schools, as technology should be made to better serve humanity. I like AronRa, I hope he wins too.




I'm from Texas an I'm furious at the State Legislature. Ignorant Bozos. However, even if they do 'biblicize' the textbooks, most schools in my area don't even use textbooks anymore plus students don't read anymore so I wonder if it'll have any impact at all except to satisfy the egos of the adults. I teach at the college level and students don't read and they actually refuse to buy the texts!!! And my school lets them get away with it...

Aron Ra is running for office down there but not sure which district he is from but Id check because he is of the same mind as we are. He wants to get religion out of the textbooks which is one big reason he is running.

no wonder you call it 13th grade

@btroje yes!!


Just hope devos is replaced with someone with some intelligence.

Only way we will see intelligent people again is to get rid of Trump and his appointees. I never saw such a farce in my life.


I recently moved to Georgia and they teach Religion in the Public highschools here. UGH. It’s an elective and I guess they touch on more than Christianity, but still...

IF it is taught as a social studies and not as religion itself it is legal


Upset hell yes, the most valuable resource a society has is it's people. But the issue is that the conservatives now accept wife cheating, beating, take lies as jesting, and believe god is their life driver. With all that , education goes down the sewer , if we, the liberals, or thinkers, take the congress back we can stop this insanity, VOTE

EMC2 Level 8 May 3, 2018

Now some of the far right say the poor shouldn't even go to school as it is wasted on them and they should just go to work instead. sounds like our oligarchy is well under way.


I'm mad as hell about this. One of this country's great strengths was our quality public education system. Now the libertarian/GOP is gutting it. Mad as HELL...

My property taxes are sky high and this money is earmarked for the schools .. supposedly.


Biblicizing the textbooks? Ugh.

That is why Aron Ra is running for office in TX, to stop this sort of nonsense, they actually teach that Moses beliefs and the ten commandments are what our nation were founded on. Well nope, didnt happen. First commandment violates the first amendment.

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