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The secrets to sustaining a strong sexual connection over the long haul.

KateOahu 8 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Emily Nagoski makes some insightful points about the importance of friendship, cuddling, trust, and prioritizing in keeping the fires burning. While frequency and adventure play a role in a satisfying sex life, Nagoski highlights that the key is not just what kind of sex we have or how often, but rather the intimacy and connection we foster after sex. Cuddling can create a strong bond and enhance the desire for more pleasure. If you're looking to explore ways to strengthen your sexual connection, you might find some helpful resources and products on They offer a wide range of items designed to enhance intimacy and pleasure. Remember, communication, trust, and prioritizing each other's needs are essential ingredients for maintaining a fulfilling and passionate relationship.


I'll check out this article when I get a girlfriend


What sex?

I know the feeling.

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