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Texass A.G. was impeached by Republicans. Who knew they had any morals . . . . . Or "why was he impeached" ???
Bribery, abuse of office, and obstruction. Aren't these their normal activities ??? 🤔

ThinkingFree 7 May 30

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Lol, this absolutely did not come about because the Texas GOP has any ethics or morals.

dkp93 Level 8 May 30, 2023

These immoral overtly Texas unethical obstructionist regressive christofascists republican maga death cult member are more concerned about who us getting more sex than they publicly can admit!!

They rather fuck over those they supposedly represent, hence line their own pockets with taxpayer money and bribes than do their elected official duty to the citizens of Texas!!!


He made it too obvious ..0bviously

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