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At the end of the path of liberation lies enslavement. Such liberation from all obstacles is finally illusory, for two simple reasons: human appetite is insatiable and the world is limited. For both of these reasons, we cannot be truly free in the modern sense. We can never attain satiation, and will be eternally driven by our desires rather than satisfied by their attainment. And in our pursuit of the satisfaction of our limitless desires, we will very quickly exhaust the planet. Our destiny, should we enter fully down this path toward our complete liberation, is one in which we will be more governed by necessity than ever before. We will be governed not by our own capacity for self-rule but rather by circumstance, particularly the circumstances resulting from scarcity, devastation, and chaos.

Patrick Deneen

Thibaud70 7 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Who is this "we" you're talking about?
It has nothing to do with some generalized insatiable human appetite, as an abstraction, and more to do with the legal definition, function, and mechanisms of corporations, particularly multinational corporations. THEY are insatiable. They are legally required to grow, to increase market share, to maximize profits no matter what. Any obstacle to that end, like "climate change," is simply externalized by deflection, distraction, or outright denial. That overhead/drag on earnings is rationalized away, or watered down with fake science.
Also, there are entrenched religious belief systems which are clung to regardless of their usefulness or lack thereof. Look at creationism.
Under these conditions, applying common sense and rational collective thought to problems is nearly impossible.


Agree with the principles of human nature vs limited resources. However I would argue that rather than making a final result the endpoint on an axis that measures fulfilment, the rate of realization vs overcoming paradigms of limits and scarcity is a more accurate measurement. Yes Earth's resources are limited but innovation is limitless. After fossil fuels we have solar, then fusion, then something else (quantum vacuum energy? we don't know yet). And then there are other paradigms through which satiety may be pursued (but never realized) - virtual reality, the exploration of altered states, the expansion of our Umwelt, etc. And what about moving beyond Earth?
I am a materialist, but to relegate our future to our current understanding of material wants and the limits enforced by our current mapping of resources to needs is shortsighted. Simpler - It's the journey not the destination. And to believe that the path will eventually fall away is hubris in it's assumption that our current understanding of means is even close to complete.
In Kafka's Before The Law parable, the seeker's inability to travel beyond the first door to the law does not mean the other doors do not exist or that the number of doors on the path to The Law is finite. The guard of the initial door is simply beyond the seeker. And the seeker is both heroic and tragic because he is insatiable. He never discovers The Law, but he also never stops trying to overcome the first guard.

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