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The sewage pollution in England is shocking. Despite the fact that sewage treatment technology is available, the water companies are not using it, because it costs them money, and they have been illegally discharging untreated sewage into rivers all over the country. Every single river in England is polluted. The water companies are private and are based in various regions across England. There are no other water companies in each region, i.e., the water industry is monopolizing. It was a mistake that the water and sewerage industry was privatised in 1989.

Ryo1 8 Sep 26

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And these private companies are running in to financial trouble. Does seem somewhat predictable in hindsight.


Both calgary and Edmonton pull off the Saskatchewan rivers one north sask the other south sask both of the dump back in them rivers... both treat it for safe drinking and both treating it going back into the river that actually dump it back in cleaner than they draw it off. Montreal on the other hand dumps billion of untreated sewage into the st lawrence sea way

If we can't address even what is right under our noses (regional problems), how can we start talking about saving our planet? It's frustrating.

@Ryo1 yes and i am sure every country has something they can do better

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