Identity politics is the oldest form of politics and at the same time the currently most successful . It is the oldest form of politics , because it binds the individual interest to a group identity and forms a robust weapon out of it . From the primitive horde to the clan to the modern nation , the position of the individual is defined by his or her relationship to something larger . With the formula : "I as ..." the individual makes himself part of a group and connects his or her will to a higher power . If the question of common identity becomes the basis for political action , a dangerous mixture of subjective will , common sensitivities and a legitimacy derived from it for the "we first" arises . The fatal circular argument of identity politics consists in the fact that one's own claims have a special justification because they are founded in a special identity .
You have accurately described the far-right and their cult-like worship of Trump.
Again, your tribal mind is able only to process information from ONE side of the political spectrum.
There is a neurological disorder called "hemineglect", where people can only see or touch things that are on the right (or left) side of them.
You are obviously suffering of political hemineglect, because tribalism and identity politics is now a serious problem on the political Left and Right
@Thibaud70 And I see from your posts that you suffer from the same condition. You repeatedly attack the left again and again. Maybe you should look in the mirror a bit more often and look up the word "hypocrite" in the dictionary.
Humans are tribal. Unless one has come to a place of objectivity, it is difficult to step outside that. In the US, we are forced to choose between two political parties, neither of which is honorable. We end up having to choose the “lesser of evils”.
That's true, humans are tribal, that is our 'default'. But they also have the power to overcome their tribalism in the name of some larger entity ("my country", "our Nation", maybe even Humanity" ), and use ideals like the common good or universalism. That requires some work and some amount of good will - which is more and more lacking in postmodern Western societies